Tea With Tanya: Transforming. Every. Aspect.

Tea with Tanya: Transforming. Every. Aspect

Tanya Ambrose

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New name, who this?! In this episode, Tanya reveals the new name for the podcast. Join Tanya as she unveils an upgraded name for the podcast. 'Tea with Tanya: Transforming Every Aspect' (T. E. A.) is a concept born out of a serendipitous conversation and a prophetic dream that promises to steep our souls in growth, revitalization, and authenticity.

'Tea With Tanya: Transforming. Every. Aspect' is dedicated to the modern, multifaceted woman looking to embrace her true potential and live a vibrant, fulfilling life. Every Tuesday, join Tanya in the Tea Tasting room as she takes you on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation.

This episode is a celebration of change and the power of dreams that guide our journeys. We'll explore how embracing change, whether it's a tweak in our podcast title or tackling life's hurdles, can foster deeper connections and lead to personal growth.  Join me in the Tea Tasting room, and be prepared to join the conversation on evolving authentically, nurturing wellness, and crafting a life as rich and varied as the blends in our tea tasting room.

Let me know what you think about the "new" name. Send me a DM on Instagram and share your thoughts. I love you for listening.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Tea with Tanya. I'm your host, tanya Ambrose, an average millennial navigating life as a maternal health professional, non-profit founder and grad student. Join me in the tea tasting room where we spill the tea on finding balance and promoting positive living while doing it all.

Speaker 2:

Hey friend, welcome back to another episode of Tea with Tanya. I am happy to be back here in the Tea Tasting Room. My only thing is if you're hearing me sound, different than usual.

Speaker 2:

I may be sounding a little bit more nasal. It's because something is trying to get the best of me, but I am trying to get the best of it before it gets to me. I don't know if it's my allergies or if I'm getting sick, but I've been doing everything in my power to not get sick. However, the pollen here in South Carolina has been pollinating really, really, really hard. My car is covered in pollen, it's a mess, and today I'm recording this podcast outside. It's given winter versus spring or summer, so I'm not really happy about that. But I am happy to be back here in the Tea Tasting Room for so many different reasons. I'm so excited, but again, my voice may not be given excited because my throat hurts, it's scratchy, it's just giving me a warm time. But I wanted to come here and meet you in the Tea Tasting Room for us to talk. So by the title of this episode you would have seen the title is called Tea with Tanya Transforming Every Aspect. Let me just say this that the Tea with Tanya Transforming Every Aspect, that is our new name here on the podcast. Same tea we're going to be sipping in the tea tasting room. Same tea, same everything, but the name is going to be looking slightly different. It's going to be Tea with Tanya, transforming Every Aspect. So when we're sipping on these tea, we got TEA, as as we sip, we're going to be transforming every aspect in our lives.

Speaker 2:

And I will say this that this name change came to me in a dream and it was. It actually happened after I had a brief conversation with one of my Antique and sisters. We were talking about something randomly and she said she used to host something with tea. I forgot what she said it was tea with something. And then she essentially gave me her what the abbreviation was for a tea. And I was like that's dope, because I've been thinking about doing that for a while but never did, because, you know, sometimes I procrastinate. I'm gonna be honest, but I had a dream and that name came to me clear as day in the dream. And one thing about me if you haven't learned anything from this podcast over the last how many years you've been listening Whenever I have a dream and that dream seems so surreal, or I actually see what's happening in that dream clear as day, I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure that it comes true. And it came and I'm like you know what this is going to be the name, because I absolutely love it. You know, because we've been on our health and wellness journey at least for the last year and a half here in the podcast and health and wellness journey at least for the last year and a half here in the podcast, and it's just very important that I bring new meaning and I continue to elevate this podcast because it means so much to me and you guys continue to listen consistently and provide me with many different feedback. So I really do appreciate you guys. So we are going to be transforming every aspect of our lives going forward and you know one of the reasons for the name change, you know I think about sitting down here in the tea tasting room where we can relax and we can engage in meaningful conversations.

Speaker 2:

You know, in my culture, tea, when we're drinking tea as a family or friend, it oftentimes tends to foster, you know, connection and intimacy. And I'm trying to create and cultivate a space here in the tea tasting room where we can be our authentic self, because, you know, sometimes for me, when I'm sipping on tea, I love me some tea. Sometimes there's no meaning behind me drinking tea these days, because over this last weekend, because of this nasal scratchy throat situation, it's just been tea for growth, tea for healing. But in many different cultures, tea symbolizes connection or we're contemplating. But it also symbolizes a transformation, and that's my meaning. Whenever I'm sipping on tea, as much as it may taste good, it's my time to quiet myself and sit and reflect, and from that I can grow. So drinking tea for me is actually a ritual Ever since I was a little girl. In the morning I'm going to have tea. At night, I'm going to have tea. At night, I'm going to have tea Sometimes. I may often have afternoon tea as well, but the idea is that it helps to help us to reflect and grow in our everyday lives, and that's what I'm trying, or that's what I'm aiming here to do in the podcast, you know to create a space where we can transform every aspect of our lives, you know, one step at a time. So that's what I want to talk about and yes, I know I mentioned a slightly change to the name, but I also want to talk about the flow of our podcast going forward. Yes, I did say our podcast, because of course it's us.

Speaker 2:

We're going to be here in the Tea Tasting Room, but we're going to be diving into a diverse array of topics. We're going to talk about mindfulness and personal development, to spirituality, to societal changes. We're going to be talking about self-discovery, empowerment and transformation. So, again, these different topics are going to be personal development, mindfulness, career growth and relationships and so much more. And this will be done, you know, through interviews, solar reflections and actionable tips as we uncover the various tools and insight we need to bring about meaningful change in our life. And we're going to watch and see how and learn to see and understand what it means to manifest the transformation in our day-to-day lives as we continue to elevate, because the goal is for us to elevate this journey, continue to be consistent and elevate our life.

Speaker 2:

And of course, we can talk about health and wellness journey when we talk about transforming every aspect of our lives. Of course we're going to talk about health and wellness, because sometimes that's what takes center stage when we think about it. But of course, our physical, our mental and emotional well-being are all interconnected and that's where our foundation is built upon seeing our life unfold in the way that we want to see it. So when we talk about transforming every aspect. That means embracing our life from a holistic standpoint. We're going to nurture our bodies, our mind and our spirits. So I want to talk about physical transformation At the core.

Speaker 2:

When we talk about transforming every aspect, it means, or it involves, nourishing our bodies with nutritious food, engaging in regular exercises and prioritizing our rest so that we can be free, relaxed and rejuvenated, and that's something that I've been working on. I've been sticking to a particular meal plan. Sometimes I fall off, sometimes I'm on, and I've been in the gym three days a week working out, because you know that's important. And one thing about me now I am going to prioritize rest. It may not look like taking a nap or anything. It could just be me sitting on the couch in my bed, drinking a cup of tea, reading a good book or even watching tv.

Speaker 2:

But also, when it comes to the physical, the physical aspect of our transformation, that involves us being self-aware of our body. You know we have that wisdom that resides within us. You know, whether that's through yoga, meditation or even mindful movements, we really do have the power to reconnect our bodies so that we can continue to embark on a journey of healing and vitality. And, of course, there's our mental and emotional transformation, because let me tell you this, and I always say this we cannot talk about our health if we're not talking about our mental and emotional well-being, because these play a very, very important role in our overall health. So transforming every aspect requires us to cultivate resilience, self-awareness and, of course, compassion for ourselves and those in our circle or those around us.

Speaker 2:

So, of course, you know we're going to talk about meditation, journaling, even therapy, just so that we can remove and dig deep into what our belief is and how that it can serve us. If it's no longer serving us, we can remove, also from a situation or any sort of environment that's not bringing us peace or any sort of emotional balance. And then, of course, we have spiritual transformation, because for me and the space that I want to create on this podcast, I want it to be a sacred space where we can connect with something that's even greater than ourselves. That involves tapping into your inner wisdom, cultivating gratitude and nurturing a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives, and that's something that's very, very big for me and that could be through prayer, it could be walking in nature, it could be any sort of acts of services or whatever it is, we can really and truly awaken that true beauty that lies within us. So I'm very excited for Tea with Tanya transforming every aspect.

Speaker 2:

Hopefully, the next time you hear my voice, I am sounding like myself because I don't know what is going on with me and this scratchy, sore throat. But I do want to say, as we navigate this health and wellness journey, let's sip on our tea and let's share in these conversations. Let us remember that transformation is not a destination, but it is a crucial and continual process. It's a journey of self-discovery and evolution, and that's the theme, that's the feel and the flow of Tea with Tanya going forward. We already set the precedent before, but as we continue to go forward, we're going to ensure that we are on this journey of self-discovery and evolution. So join me here every week in the Tea Tasting Room because together we're going to embrace the beauty of growth and the magic of possibility.

Speaker 2:

So I want to thank you again. I hope you guys like the name you know. Leave a message in there in my DMs, comment on, leave a feedback, just whatever you want to do. Message me Instagram, whatsapp. Just let me know what you think about this name T with Tanya, transforming every aspect, because I'm in my leveling up era, I'm in my taking care of myself, I'm in my prioritizing myself and my wellbeing from a holistic standpoint. So you know, I want you to join me every week so that we can continue and be consistent, so that we can hold each other accountable. So, until next time, may your cup be filled with wisdom and your heart with courage. I love you for listening and I can't wait to see you back here in the Tea Tasting room next week.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for joining me for another episode of Tea with Tanya. If you like this episode, be sure to share it with a friend. Don't forget to follow on Instagram at Tea with Tanya podcast. Be sure to subscribe to the weekly Tea Talk newsletter and, of course, rate on Apple or Spotify and subscribe wherever you listen. See you next time. I love you for listening.