Tea With Tanya: Transforming. Every. Aspect.

Priming My Body For Pregnancy: The Steps I'm Taking

Tanya Ambrose

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In this week's episode, I'm sharing with you what I'm currently doing to prime my body for pregnancy. I have a history of chronic migraines, and I've learned the hard way that a healthy lifestyle isn't just a choice; it's a necessity for anyone looking to optimize their body in general and for conception. This episode unpacks the impact of nutrition, exercise, and stress on fertility and pregnancy through my personal experiences. I share intimate details of my own health journey, provide insights on embracing healthy habits and the importance of consulting with healthcare professionals to tailor this guidance to your unique circumstances.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Tea with Tanya. I'm your host, tanya Ambrose, an average millennial navigating life as a maternal health professional, non-profit founder and wet student. Join me in the tea tasting mode, where we spill the tea and find and balance and promote a positive living while doing it all. Hey friend, welcome back to another episode of Tea with Tanya. I am happy to be back here in the tea tasting with you so we can continue on our health and wellness journey. I hope by the time you listen to this episode this past weekend you would have done something to pour into you, because again, we are on our health and wellness journey. For me, I am here sipping on some over tea and tea. It's a bit cold outside, it's rainy, it's cozy and I'm thinking about being back home in Antigua for some reason. I'm thinking about drinking over tea or malo tea, but tonight is going to be malo tea. So I am happy to be here sitting with you in the tea tasting room talking about all things primary in your body for pregnancy, I will say, when it comes to primary in your body for pregnancy, it's very important for us to understand what that means. You know, primary in your body involves adopting a healthy lifestyle or healthy lifestyle habits, as well as addressing any underlying health issues, to optimize fertility and to promote a healthy pregnancy. You know, one of the significant things of planning on primary in your body for pregnancy is that preconception health not only increases the chance of conception, but also reduces the risk of pregnancy complications, and it also has to promote the health of both mom and baby as well. A common misconception when it comes to is that misconception is that fertility is solely determined by one's age, and that is absolutely not true. You know. I mean, of course, there's some factors, but one of the common, most common misconceptions is that fertility is solely determined by age. But there are other factors like nutrition, exercise and stress management that also play a very, very significant role when it comes to priming our bodies for pregnancy, and I'm very excited because you know, as someone who's very passionate about women's health and maternal and reproductive health and wellness, you know I'm excited to share or give you some insight into what I've been doing as it relates to priming my body for pregnancy. So, if you're someone who you're like being trying to prime your body for pregnancy, or you're trying to conceive, or you're currently pregnant, or you may have had a baby before and you're planning on getting pregnant again, this episode is for you because, at the end of the day, I want you to be able to can set yourself up to have a successful pregnancy, so that you are informed, so that you know that you are in charge of your decisions and you can. Also, an informed person is always going to be an empowered person as well, so I definitely want you to be informed because, again, an informed person is going to always be empowered when it comes to making decisions about their life and their health and wellness as well.

Speaker 1:

Right, but before I get into this episode, I want to definitely put out this disclaimer, because I want to emphasize that the information provided here that I'm sharing with you today in TTA Zoom is only for educational purposes and is based pretty much on my personal experience. So none of what I'm going to be saying to you here should be construed as medical advice because, again, each individual's health situation is unique to them. So any sort of lifestyle changes you may want to make, even when you hear me talking about them, it's very important that you consult with your health care provider before making any sort of drastic lifestyle changes, especially if you're, like me, planning or priming your body for pregnancy, because, again, your health situation is unique to you and your health care provider can tailor your journey based on your specific needs or circumstances as well, because, again, the journey to parenthood is unique, it's different. So I don't want you to misconstrue what I'm saying here to be medical advice, because it's not. I love you, I'm here to support. You made the answer that you're educated and empowered, but I am not here, or I'm not in no way, shape or form, giving you any sort of medical advice. I also want to put this disclaimer, because you're not gonna go tell your friend and your family that, oh, tv Italian is trying to concede. That's not the message that I'm also trying to put out.

Speaker 1:

I am priming my body. Priming, you know, when you have a call, you got symptoms, you got to put the oil in so the car can continue to run as efficient as it possibly can. That's what I'm doing. I am fueling my body, I am priming this body so that, when that time come, I'll be up with as an optimized health. Okay, because no. So TV Italian is not trying to conceive in this very moment. There's no practicing happening here. I am just simply priming my body because I realized that, you know what I wasn't necessarily taking care of myself in the way that I know how to, because I'm always the caretaker. I'm always hell bent on caring for others or helping others get to their goal, and sometimes I neglect myself. So now, after having certain challenges as it relates to my health, I am now priming my body for pregnancy and also priming this beautiful body for psychonative optimal health. All right, I had to put that out there, all right. So when we're talking about understanding the basics of preparing for pregnancy, again, like I mentioned earlier, it involves adopting a healthy lifestyle habits. It also talks about addressing any underlying issues that you may have that could also work towards optimizing your fertility to promote a healthy pregnancy.

Speaker 1:

For me, I would say I am someone if you knew here I, tanya is a chronic migraine person. At this point I don't even know what to say at this point. I'm just dealing with chronic migraines and also maybe TMI, but you know, I don't think it's chronic constipation. I kind of remember the exact name right now. Just so bad of me, but I'm dealing with that. It's just so many things going on in this body right now that I have to ensure that I am taking care of myself.

Speaker 1:

I will share this story. A few weeks ago I had my annual. I had my pap's from here down from my OBGYN and I remember that same morning when I woke up, to a little doctor and I get my appointment, because one thing I want me, I'm having an early morning appointment. One because I work full-time and two, I just am just an early morning person. But I remember expressing to her the concern I was having about my stomach and how it was distended, how I feel extra bloated, and I'm, like you know, I'm at this point I'm not even in the menstrual phase of my cycle, but I was just concerned as to why it shaped the way it shaped and why was it so distended, because, I mean, I haven't done anything different than what I was doing.

Speaker 1:

And she did notice it while she was doing my breast exam and she herself also was a bit concerned. So she asked me if I would be open to having a transvaginal ultrasound, because once she wanted to rule out any fibres or anything and I'm like you know, fibres doesn't really run in my family but what I've come to then, when it comes to healthcare, you're healthy at this point in time. Something doesn't have to be significant or prominent in your family for it to occur to you. So I'm like that wasn't even naive of me for even thinking that. But again, you know, that's the first thing. Something to think about, what happens, what are some family traits or what happened in your family from a health standpoint? I know that was not one.

Speaker 1:

Nevertheless, she scheduled an appointment two weeks later and so that went and long story short. But to be honest, by the time I got to her, the extended stomach, by the time I got to the two week appointment, the extended stomach was a bit non-existent, still bloated a little bit. But it was on the when, which it was that really opened my eyes and made me have a cause for concern, did the ultrasound and after that I had the constant tissue with her based on the results. Her wording was everything is perfect, everything looks great. I was sorry talking about okay, so I have a higher chance of being able to get pregnant when I'm ready. She's like yes, and she started asking me if I'm ready. I said I didn't say all that on that, but I'm just asking a question. And then, of course, I explored the conversation about her, about being off of break and show and giving my body a break and all these different things, because I am on my prime in my body for pregnancy journey. But, like I said, there's no practicing happening here. So at this point, why am I even doing that, you know, and but I also I value the fact that we have a really good relationship.

Speaker 1:

That may not be the case with some, because sometimes we're known to hop in and hop in our doctor's office within 15-20 minutes and then we're on to the next. But one thing about my OBGYN she's an advocate for health and wellness. She answers every question. Because to me, one thing about me I'm going to have a question written down on a piece of paper or it's going to be my phone because I need to know XYZ. Because one thing about me you can't. I'm not a doctor, I'm not trained. Again, when you know certain things as it relates to moments and reproductive health, of course, again, you're more knowledgeable. So that's why I often try to have my questions ready so I can ask. I'm not telling you to go have 15 million questions to go ask a provider in one visit. You can have them over a period of time. But any sort of cause or concern you may have about your body, you definitely want to have that conversation with your care provider.

Speaker 1:

Another thing my other primary care doctor when I went to her again dealing with my hormones, dealing with my constipation and all these different things. No matter how much fireball, whatever I'm adding to my diet, it'll work for a week or two and then we're about to square one. So I remember again us thinking that it could be something gastro-related. So I got referred to a gastroenterologist. We finally saw her and had a great session, a great conversation with her as we figured out what would be the next step. So, long story short, I'm getting somewhere as it relates to trying to see what could be any underlying issues as causing some of these things to happen to me so I can get optimized myself, I can have optimal health. But also when it comes to my fertility journey yes, that part everything is great over there and I'll thank the Lord for that. That may not be your situation, so I don't want you to feel any sort of way with me saying that.

Speaker 1:

But when I talk about underlying health issues, I'm not just talking about your reproductive health. You want to check your thyroid. There's so many different things. That again goes hand in hand when it comes to our reproductive health system. So you want to ensure that you're having these conversations with your primary care provider, right?

Speaker 1:

So, with that being said, I want to talk about lifestyle factors for preconception health, and I reached out to my girl, gianna, over at the Simply Rise podcast and she's also a woman's and reproductive health educator as well and I was asking her. I said you know, because her and I were friends, we became friends from social media. She, like, again, you know me in social media. She has become like a big sister to me as well. So we often talk about fertility, talk about pregnancy, talk about parent health, because she's a mama of two boys. You know I'm over here on the way trying to get to that level at one point in time, and you know. So before I would ask, I said I'm trying to prime everybody for pregnancy. You know, what do you recommend? Because, again, she's in that reproductive health space as well, and the first thing you said that she would do is to start tracking our cycle.

Speaker 1:

So, for me, I started tracking my cycle and you know you want to get really granular about what your body is doing and how your hormones are working, how long your cycles are, how do you react to your hormones and the way that they shift, what causes them to shift? Because you know, sometimes there are some people out there who are dealing with PMDD and that's premenstrual dysphoric disorder. You know, sometimes some of us have PMS like, such as bloating, headaches, breast tendon, there some of the different things that our hormones are at play here. So you need to figure out, you need to become more in tune with your body too, so you can know when your hormones are out of work or when something feels abnormal or something doesn't feel right with you. We're going to go have that conversation with our care provider, because we're living in a young age in society where we kind of take anything for granted, we kind of take anything lightly, even if you have a pain in your finger that could be related to something else. So you definitely want to ensure that you are having that patient-provided relationship, or provide a patient relationship with your primary care provider, because that's going to be very important when it comes to these lifestyle factors, right?

Speaker 1:

So nutrition plays a very big role when it comes to priming your body for pregnancy you want to pay attention to what you're eating. So you want to have a nutritious diet that's going to be rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein, because these provide essential vitamins and minerals that is necessary for reproductive health. You want to become more intentional about meat-added hormones. You want to avoid these different things because, of course, any added hormones cannot be good for the body. You want to remove anything that could cause undue or any sort of inflammation in your body, and the example is that it's also alcohol. So we got to be mindful of what we're consuming, or what amount of foods that could cause inflammation in the body that we're consuming as well.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that I've been doing one thing about me like I said, I do try to eat my foods and vegetables, but I'm more of a food eater versus vegetables. But I've been doing better with that because for some I don't know why, but I'm more of a food girl, like the texture, the taste and everything is just for me what I have been doing when it comes to incorporating the foods vegetables and, of course, whole grains, because I got to make sure that every part of my body is functioning the right way I become one of those girls that I am. I'm all about my foods, I'm all about my vegetables. I'm making sure that I am eating my whole grains because you know, everything is Everything tie in to one. So you got to eat one, get it with the other so that you can make sure that you are optimizing your health, especially every productive health.

Speaker 1:

I have become a gym girlie. I mean, I would say I was one last year but I wasn't as consistent or committed. But when it comes to having any sort of regular physical activity, that's going to help to improve circulation, it helps to regulate hormones, reduce stress and also it can have an impact on fertility in a very positive way. When we talk about reduced stress, for me I look forward to my workouts. I work three times a week now and I look forward to that every time because for some reason I could be having a bad day or I could be having a very stressful day, because you know, life happens and the minute I start working out, it's like that one hour just removes all the stress that I've been having all day. Or even at the end of the workout, whatever was bothering me prior walking into the workout. I won't say it doesn't bother me anymore. But it's like I find some sort of coping mechanism or some sort of way or some sort of solution to what may have been stressing me out. So I definitely look forward to my workouts three times a week and of course I do my walk-in.

Speaker 1:

So you know what I say about regular physical activity. It doesn't have to be you can go to the gym and lift a 45 pound, whatever you want to just be physical. I tell my clients who are pregnant you want to walk around the block, you want to walk up and down the street where you are? Just to get some sort of regular physical activity to just help improve your circulation and just reduce any sort of stress so you can feel good. Sometimes we underestimate the power of the sun or just being outside or being outdoors. It's very, very important that we do that. We also want to think about looking at our sleep and stress management. You know, prioritize an adequate sleep and practicing any sort of stress management techniques like meditation or even a yoga or journaling. They can help to optimize your hormone or balance and support fertility as well. So, as simple as it may sound, getting adequate sleep or practicing any sort of meditation, yoga, journaling, it really does. It is important. It really is important to help optimize and support your fertility as well.

Speaker 1:

I do want to talk about eliminating harmful habits. Now, for me, you know, everybody's idea of what a harmful habit can be is would be very, very different. But you know, we talk about avoidance. You want to avoid smoking, you want to avoid excess alcohol consumption and recreational drug, because it is crucial that they can also impair fertility and increase the risk of pregnancy complications. You definitely like we always say everything in moderation. We talk about caffeine intake, and some of you are coffee girlies. You know, I'm a tea girl, sometimes most of my tea, some teas having caffeine as well, but I try to avoid anything that is heavily caffeine based. But you know, while a moderate intake of caffeine is considered generally safe, any sort of high consumption of caffeine has been linked to decreased fertility. So it's very important that you limit your caffeine intake while you're trying to conceive, while you're priming your body for pregnancy, and some of us are caffeine addicts, or we just like oh my God, I got to have my coffee in the morning Just again. Do everything with moderation and be mindful and remember what is the goal at hand. And we talk about weight now. Maintain a healthy weight throughout this time is very important. You know you want to have a balanced diet, you want to regulate, you want to exercise on a regular because these can improve your fertility outcomes. And I talk about, you know, maintaining a healthy balance. That I will say.

Speaker 1:

One time I was talking to a doctor. She's from Jamaica but lives in Minnesota doing great, great work over there, and I remember having her on my Instagram live and I asked you know, again, we from the Caribbean? You know, she from Jamaica, me from Antigua. You know, whatever the case may be, and I was like you know well, you know, all food sometimes is heavily stashed based, but one thing I can remember we always had some sort of vegetable at the side to eat with all food. But I'm like you know you're here and you're trying to conform to these people who may be shaming you for not being on a particular type of diet.

Speaker 1:

It's like you know I said I'm from Antigua, honey, I need to be eating my food and to be eating my rice and chicken, I need to be having my fried fish. You know, my fungi and sauer fish, all these different things I need to have. And I remember her telling me you know, it's okay to eat your culture food. We just got to ensure that it's balanced. You want to have food, you want to have your vegetables. So if you want to eat a little at the time she was like if you want a little Jamaican what is a jerk chicken, rice and peas make sure you have a salad at the side. You know. So for me, if I need to eat my fungi and sauer fish or my whatever it is, I need to have some sort of vegetable at the side to ensure that I'm having a somewhat oil balance diet. Of course you know. So definitely want to ensure that you get in all the minerals and vitamins from these different food. Because, again, going up, we had the food, the food, what is it? The food pyramid. I think I'm hoping it's in the right thing, but you know we had a different type of food. Like you know, the legumes, the fiber.

Speaker 1:

The key is to maintain a balanced diet and for us to get moving active. You know you can walk up and down whatever you do. There's some sort of regular movement and exercise to help as well. We talked about preconception, health checkups and tests and a previous episode I talked about health care screenings that you should be making time for. You want to schedule a visit with your healthcare provider specifically for your to talk about preconceptions, so you can have a comprehensive assessment done of your health and any sort of be able to identify any sort of potential concerns that could happen. You know you want to be having these essential screenings tests for your blood, tests for genetic screenings, any sort of reproductive health assessment that you can have. You definitely should be doing that so you can identify any underlying issues. Talk about managing any medical conditions that you may have, any chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and thyroid disorders before conception, because this can also help to improve your fertility outcome.

Speaker 1:

Because everything in our body, from the head to the toe the second car we got to put gas in the car. We got to make sure all brake pads are good. We got to make sure that we have all in the car. We got to make sure we have the water in the car for that. What is it? The windshield wiper, these different things to keep the car functioning and fueling in the right way is the same thing you should be doing when it comes to your body. You want to ensure that you're getting everything checked to ensure that you are optimizing yourself from a holistic standpoint.

Speaker 1:

And I know I'm talking about priming that body for pregnancy, but when you're at your best self, when you're healthy, that priming your body, this is all about priming your body for pregnancy. It's about priming your body for to be able to have optimal health as well. So I want you to just think you know you should be only doing these things just to prime your body for pregnancy. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying you should just be doing this to ensure that you're holistically healthy, but also, while doing that, you can also prime that's also with you to prime your body for you to have a great pregnancy and a higher chance of conceiving as well.

Speaker 1:

I know if you know about pregnancy or anything as it relates to being healthy. You know there are different supplements and vitamins for preconception health. You know supplements such as folic acid and vitamin D and iron are commonly recommended to support fertility and promote a healthy pregnancy. There's a lot more, a lot more resources in the show notes as well for you to look at. But again, you're going to have to make sure that you can start with your primary care provider because, for me, I am taking my anxiety medication, I'm taking my two different migraine medication, I'm taking two different medications as it relates to my GI, so I have to know and show that the new vitamins and supplements that I'm going to be taking as well, there's not going to be any sort of adverse reaction to what I'm taking. So that's very important. I know sometimes who might be in social media, could be on Google and somebody would tell you oh, I've been taking this particular supplement of vitamin two because I'm trying to conceive an xyz again. All good and well, but you have to ensure that you are consulting with your health care provider to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for you to take these supplements and vitamins, especially as an individual of childbearing age as well. So it's very, very important that you pay attention and you ask these questions before taking anything on.

Speaker 1:

The environment also can play into how good or preconception health can be or the negative reaction. It could have an arm on that as well. You want to minimize your exposure to any sort of environmental toxins, such as pesticides, pollutants or any sort of chemical, because these can also affect your pregnancy or your opportunity or your chance. You want to ensure that you're taking notice of these things so that you can help to protect your fertility and promote a healthy pregnancy. You want to use something such as natural cleaning products, avoid plastic containing BPA, choosing organic produce and also reduce any sort of exposure to any harmful substances.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm saying this to you, but let me tell you we live in a society, we live in a world right now, that every week I go to the grocery store, whatever it's like, something has gone on, for I had to buy a dollar 10, like it's just the price of food. Everything is just increasing right now. So even I'm encouraging you to try natural cleaning products or organic produce. That may not be a case from a financial standpoint. You just do the best that you can, again, because at the end of the day, we are not living the same life. So I'm not saying that we may not be able to afford these organic foods or for these natural cleaning products, because even the not organic food are already expensive as it is. So can you imagine the organic? So you just want to make sure that you're doing everything in moderation, but doing the best that you can to minimize being exposed to any harmful substances or produce or anything like that. But again, key here is for you to do the best that you can with what you have. You know what? Of course, our environment can definitely have an impact on our fertility and our overall health as well. So be mindful of your surroundings, because that's going to be very, very important, very crucial during this primary body phase for pregnancy and of just for your overall health as well.

Speaker 1:

Before I wrap up, I also want to talk about the emotional and mental preparation that comes with primal and your body for pregnancy. So I'm a woman in my 30s. I can't believe. I'm even saying that out loud. You know, I, in the back of my mind guys, I thought I was going to be married and have at least five kids by now, but I thought I was going to be married by age 23. I don't know what I was thinking, but you know wishful thinking, I guess. But I'm getting older and I'm the shift that's happening in my life, in my current phase of life. You know it caused me to really be more intentional with who, I gave my time to, what I put in my body.

Speaker 1:

Because again, I know, at the end of this finish line, whatever the goal may be. My goal is to be ready for pregnancy, ready to bring my child into this world, and that also has to do with our emotional health as well, you know, because it's very important that we address and acknowledge any sort of emotional aspects that comes with starting a family. That could be feeling of excitement. Am I excited to be pregnant one day? I sure am. Is there some sort of apprehension? Yes, given the way that we're living in, of course, and, of course, uncertainty. So, as a person who is priming their body or trying to conceive, a pregnant, or pregnant or want another baby, whatever the case, maybe it's pretty much okay for you to check in with your feelings and also you can have a feelings of excitement. You may have some apprehension, you may have some uncertainty. I'm telling you that that is perfectly fine, because I don't want us to get too caught up in. Oh, you know, of course, being pregnant and being able to conceive is a very, very, very big blessing that no one should ever take for granted. We should always show gratitude for that. But it's also okay if you feel excited, sad, apprehension, you know, whatever, uncertain. All these other emotions too are also normal. It's just the one which you manage and you work towards balancing that emotional aspect as well. But I want you to know that these feelings perfectly fine.

Speaker 1:

We talk about stress management. You know, managing your stress by doing relaxation techniques, therapy or any sort of support. We talk about having support. Having a community, having our village, is very important because these will help with alleviating any anxiety that you may have, any stress, and it also helps to promote your emotional well-being during this time. So definitely want to look into that. And, of course, communication. I always tell my clients or people who I'm close with, open it on this communication with your partner, with your village, with your community, about your hopes, even your fears or even your expectations. That is going to help to create a supportive and understanding relationship with your partner, with your family members, whoever it is that makes up your village. It's going to foster that strong relationship and understanding because you're able to be open and honest.

Speaker 1:

You can be happy to be pregnant and you can also be sad at the same time, because you know what you got to think about. Wow, I got to bring a human into this world. I have to do every single thing. It's fine. If you didn't have any fear, I would be concerned about. Okay, girl, you got this, but of course it brings many different range of emotions.

Speaker 1:

So you definitely want to prepare mentally and emotionally while you're on this face and, again, like I said, with me proud of my body for pregnancy. You know, I'm going to my therapy. I'm finding other techniques or other things to do to want me not being social media all the time or just to pour into me, because I'm used to pouring into others, because one thing I'm going to do, I'm going to read a book and watch me some TV. All I need is just some internet, my phone or my TV and a book, and I'm content with where I am sometimes, you know. So you definitely got to see what works for you from an emotional and mental standpoint as well. And, yeah, that's what I've been doing.

Speaker 1:

I've been really working on achieving holistic health, you know, optimizing my health because, again, I want to ensure when it's time for me to start trying to conceive Because, like I mentioned earlier, t-retina is not trying to conceive, okay, she's just priming her body to achieve optimal health and priming her body for pregnancy as well. So they both go hand in hand. So I want to let you know as I get ready to go by prioritizing preconception health to your healthy lifestyle habits you know you want to have regular checkups and have open communication with your village, with your provider you can definitely optimize your chances of conceiving and enjoying a healthy pregnancy. Remember that pregnancy or preparing for pregnancy, priming your body for pregnancy is a journey that's unique to you. So I want to encourage you to be patient, to be kind and to give yourself grace along the way, because, let me tell you, I'm not always perfect.

Speaker 1:

All I had today and I'm saying about receiving today is because I worked out today. I had me two water eggs this morning before I went to work out. Then I had to see real twice today because I just did not feel like cooking. I did not even feel like putting the food in the microwave that I had from the left over Like it was a spack. But I might give myself grace. I absolutely am because, again, depending on my feeling, I didn't feel like doing that. But sometimes I will say there are days when I don't feel like doing something, but I do push myself to do it and once I do it, I end up feeling good. But today is just one of them days because of where I am in my menstrual cycle, my menstrual phase. But don't be like me I only have two water eggs and zero. Twice in the day you want to have a healthy, hearty meal, but I share that with you to let you know that sometimes some days are just going to not be the same, and it's okay. You have to just be patient, be kind and definitely give yourself grace along the way.

Speaker 1:

So if you found today's episode helpful, if you want to continue this conversation, you know what to find me over at T-Way Tanya Podcast, or you can send me an email. Share your experience. You know you may not be thinking that. You might be thinking, okay, I'm on this health and wellness journey, but it may not be thinking of it as a prime when your body for pregnancy. That's not the only thing that we're trying to have optimal health.

Speaker 1:

But if I said something that sparked your interest, or if there's something that you wish I mentioned or you want to have that conversation with me, please hop into my DMs, because I've been in love with the DMs that I've been getting and the WhatsApp messages that I've been getting over the last few episodes. I really do look forward. It makes my day because actually, you're actually listening to the conversations that we're able to have. It really does warm my heart. So definitely, if I miss something again, remember what I shared wasn't any medical advice. It was just me sharing my experiences and sharing some of the things that I've been doing. I will continue to do, as I continue to work on my health and wellness, but also priming my body for pregnancy. Don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Speaker 1:

I will see you next week in the T-Tasting Room where we're going to be talking about stress management during the reproductive years, and I'll be joined by a very special guest for that episode. So I will see you back here in the T-Tasting Room and remember to do something that's going to make yourself proud this week. Thank you for joining me for another episode of Tea with Tanya. If you liked this episode, be sure to share it with a friend. Don't forget to follow on Instagram at Tea with Tanya podcast. Be sure to subscribe to the weekly Tea Talk newsletter and, of course, rate on Apple Osbudify and subscribe wherever you listen. See you next time. I love you for listening.